I was shocked when I watched the video of the college class and the comments that they made. I hadn't thought of college this way because it has been a while since I graduated. When watching the video the professor at the chalkboard did seem archaic. As I watch my husband now go to college on-line...I think about how much easier this would have been for me. So much more convenient and cost-effective, and I wonder if this is the wave of the future. Will all college be online in our lifetime? There is definitely something to be said for a class with an excellent prof and wonderful discussions.....but a cattle-call of 250 listening to a TA drone about literature is an awful experience.....one that we all as college graduates share. Is on-line school the answer? I love the idea of the library 2.0 but I am torn with the prospect of everything going to online.
The thought of getting rid of the traditional idea of libraries makes me sick...when I think of children feeling those magical feelings when they enter the library and get lost in a book.
But- when I go to the library I never look in the books for what I am searching for...I head straight for the computer. Interesting.
Wasn't that movie just the greatest? Every teacher should watch that at the beginning of the school year!
I know! I really loved this video and I felt the same way. I think about how much more efficient online courses are and even in the workplace. When I was in the "corporate world" we did alot of video conferencing. Of course, there are some things you have to see and do in person, but not every class and every meeting and every book needs to be held in class or in person.